Hunger roxane gay book pdf

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Without giving away spoilers (is that a thing in memoirs?) I read through it in a rushed manner to see what she would do.

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The book contains a chapter at the end that addresses this most directly that is extremely evocative. Her weight issues stem from an incident in her youth in which she was raped by someone she knew and thought she trusted. I started running because I hated being overweight and motivated myself by constantly denigrating my body. I am not, nor have I ever been as close to Roxane Gay's weight, but a lot of her feelings towards her body resonated with me. I think this is partially due to that Ira Glass interview she did wherein she excerpted some of the ideas in the book On Being heavier than Lane Bryant Fat, on researching restaurants before going out for seating. It felt more introspective and personal than Bad Feminist.

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She opens herself up and talks about deeply personal issues that are usually ignored or taboo to talk about in extended circles. Not because Roxane is sometimes a dense writer, I remember struggling through parts of Bad Feminist, but because she does something that not many people do.

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